avanos hali
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nevsehir avanos hand woven carpets loop size 30x40 dm dimensions 138 x 205 cm location museum of antalya turkey halilar dokuma hali

nevsehir avanos hand woven carpet 19 bowknot size 27 36 dm size 140 225 cm location private collection decorated with traditi halilar dokuma hali

dosemealti 20 km to the north of antalya town carpet last quarter of 20th century wool on wool halilar hali antalya

nevsehir avanos hand woven carpet 20 century size 35x35 dm dimensions 138 214 cm location private collection

mugla milas el dokuma hali 17 yy ilmek boyut 40 50 dm ebat 133 180 cm ozel kolleksiyon karanfil sumbul gul lale yild tapetes orientais tapete persa carpete

nevsehir avanos hali 19 yy hand woven loops size 28x30 dm dimensions 137 x 196 cm location foundations ankara halilar dokuma hali

nevsehir avanos hali 19 yy hand woven loops size 30x40 dm dimensions 130 x 197 cm location the ethnography museum of ankara turke halilar ki li m hali